
My India

Today our nation is standing in race with many developed nations all over the world. But still it’s lacking behind many social issues. And our main goal is to improve our nation in all aspects of living. The major problems faced by our nation are:

  • Injustice
  • Corruption
  • Gender bias
  • Child labor
  • Inequality
  • Selfish
  • Stabbing
  • Illiteracy
  • Eve teasing
  • Discrimination ( caste ,racial )


And now it’s a must that each and every citizen of our nation must be on the par of developing our nation by removing social sins which are not just making people break the rules but also going till an extent of killing other living organisms.

There is total corruption going on in our nation. There must be a perfect and independent judiciary in our nation; whereas this isn’t taking place in our nation. The judiciary must be as an example for the further generations and youth. If this isn’t taking place how can our nation be developed. The major thing behind this is corruption and inequality. People in our nation don’t appreciate talent but in turn support the people who have political or some other major organizations recommendations. Today’s youth = tomorrow’s citizen, our parliament must be as a role model for the future nation. The three arms of our nation – the judiciary, the parliament, the executive must be working according to the works assigned to them.

By Koneti Sriharshita

A dreamer who wants to change the INDIA into a better country.

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